Emergency Number


• 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday please call the office at 717-865-7452.

• 4:30 pm – 8:00 am please call the plant at 717-865-0774 and follow the recorded instructions.

Welcome to FSWA Online

Welcome to the Fredericksburg Sewer and Water Authority Online. Here you can find out information about the authority, regulations and public notices. You can also pay your invoice online with our bill pay.
Looking to pay bill online? Click here for online payments.
Missed a meeting? Find current and past meeting minutes here.
Find a list of all the published rules and regulations of the authority

Public Notices

2021 Meeting Schedule - All Meetings Start at 6:30 PM
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
5th, 19th 3rd, 17th 7th, 21st 19th 2nd, 16th 20th 4th, 18th 1st, 15th 6th, 20th
  • (6/30/2022)
    Have you heard of a rain garden? It’s easy to install, looks good year-round and has a positive impact on the environment!
    A rain garden is a type of garden, designed to collect stormwater runoff from a roof, driveway or other impervious surfaces. Rather than rushing off into a storm sewer or a local waterway, the rainwater collects in a shallow depression in your yard. This area is planted with native grasses and wildflowers, such as golden rod, monkey flower and switchgrass, that are specially selected for their ability to gradually absorb and filter stormwater.
    Rain gardens can have a significant impact on the water quality in our communities. Much of the pollution in streams, rivers and lakes has been carried there by stormwater. By taking responsibility for the rainwater that falls on your own roof and driveway, you’ll be helping to protect our rivers, streams and lakes from stormwater pollution. Adding a rain garden to your yard will also provide food and shelter for wildlife, and give you a whole new garden that’s hardy, low maintenance and naturally beautiful!

  • Check for Water Leaks in the House (4/21/2022)

    Here’s a handy trick: check your meter two hours before and after no water is running in the house. If the reading on the meter has moved, it’s because there is a leakage. Call a professional and get it fixed immediately.

  • Water Conservation Tip (9/15/2021)

    Reuse your cook water!

    Boiling water for cooking, making tea, and other kitchen tasks can be a real water waster. Only boil what you need—don’t fill up the pot if it’s not necessary. You can also reuse water used for cooking by letting it cool first and watering plants with it.

  • Holiday Schedule (5/25/2021)

    Holiday Schedule

    The FSWA Board of Directors has approved the following Holiday Schedule and office closures for 2021. The business office will be closed on these dates and will reopen on the following business day.


      Friday, January 1st – New Years Day

      Friday, April 2nd – Good Friday

      Monday, May 31st – Memorial Day

      Monday, July 5th – Independence Day

      Monday, September 6th – Labor Day

      Thursday, November 25th – Thanksgiving Day

      Friday, November 26th – Thanksgiving / Black Friday

      Friday, December 24th – Christmas

      Friday, December 31st – New Years


  • January 2021 (5/27/2021)

    Drinking Water

    Keep a container or bottle of drinking water in the fridge. This beats the inefficient tendency for running tap water to cool it for drinking. This could save 200 to 300 gallons every month.

  • October 2020 (4/26/2021)


    Were you aware that laundry accounts for about 22 percent of all water usage in a household? When doing laundry run full loads and skip the extra rinse. By taking these small steps you will make a positive impact on water conservation!

  • September 2019 (4/26/2021)

    Fix That Leak!

    Fixing a toilet leak is a great way to reduce household water use
    and boost water conservation. It may even reduce your water and sewer costs! If your
    toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day. That
    would be like flushing your toilet more than 50 times for no reason! Try this
    experiment: test for leaks by placing a drop of food coloring in the toilet tank. If the
    color shows up in the bowl without flushing, you have a leak!

  • July 2020 (4/26/2021)

    Cleaning Produce

    Summertime is here and with fresh vegetables and fruits in season, try cleaning your produce in a bowl of clean water rather than cleaning them under a running faucet.

  • April 2020 (4/26/2021)

    Scrape – Don’t Rinse!

    Before putting your dishes in the dishwasher, scrape — don’t rinse!

    Pre-rinsing can use more than 6,000 gallons of water per household every year.

  • January 2020 (4/26/2021)

    Have you heard of a Water Pebble?

    The water pebble is a small, disc that is placed near the plughole on your shower and measures the amount of water you use. It can also memorize your usage. During the start of your bath, it flashes a green light. The light will start to turn amber when you’re halfway through the acceptable amount of water then switches to red. While this may not make showers fun, it is an ingenious gadget that will help you save a lot of water during your next shower.

    Click here to learn more about the Water Pebble

How Your Sewer Bill Is Calculated?
Water use is measured by a meter installed in every dwelling, business, school, industrial plant, or other facility. The usage, measured in hundreds of gallons, is then multiplied by the water rate and the result is your water bill.
How To Make a Payment.
Mailed payments to P.O. Box 161, Fredericksburg, PA 17026
Drop payments in our drop box located to the left of the main entrance.
Make payments by credit or debit card on our website

PLEASE NOTE: A fee of $3.00 per $100.00 will be charged for credit or debit card payments.

What Are the Office Hours?
Our office normal office hours are : Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
What is the Office Address

Have a Question ? Get in touch!

If You have any Question about our Authority. Feel Free to call us. Our Representative will always help.

Contact Us

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